Saturday, July 9, 2011


Look at my fingers !!!
photo by zixin, July2011

These are not normal art paints or poster colouring , instead, it's printer refilling inkS ! Aww, I love colours, yet these colours are not easily to be washed away. It sticks on the skin for days before I can really wipe it off. But it's so nice.

p/s: ignore those mandarin wording.TQ.


Well, I've been helping 3rd sis at her shop ever since holiday started. Though I swore before that I have to sleep and eat and sleep and eat and sleep and eat as much as I can during the holiday, who knows, things turn out totally the other way. Life is funny, isn't it?


That is an IT shop. As I said, life is funny. 2 years before, I don't even know how to own an email account or to use a pendrive; 2 years later, I'm here to fix up a full set of desktop and setup a laptop. You can never imagine what you'll be doing in future. Strange yea.


I enjoyed my holiday. This is the very first time I feel the anxiety inside to learn new things. To recognize the spareparts, getting know the market price, software, installing/uninstalling, formatting, setting up windows, fixing up HDD and RAM, getting motherboard, HDD, ROM, processor, casing and bla bla bla to set up a whole desktop, then moving forward to learn bout printers, awww, I love colours (again).


For sure, there are conflicts and worries that come along, but at last I've gone through them(I suppose?) Accidents happen sometimes. There was once I unintentionally format an Asus EeePC netbook, includes the backup on Data partition as well, all GONE, in just 2 seconds. It's easy to throw things, but it is 100000x harder to pick it back. Luckily the data can be recovery in the end. But I already half a soul left.

有得玩电脑是很爽,可是玩别人家的电脑会有压力。一次不小心玩太大,玩到人家的backup data不见掉,我以为我真的完蛋了;幸好最后还找得回来。所以啊,亲爱的朋友,任何东西不会因为format就完完全全100%消失,那些见光死的私人东西(如:照片)还是别放到电脑里比较好。(别问我那要放哪里)

As for my dear friends, I'm so sorry that I don't really have time for u guys. Another half a month, I'll be back in Subang for my 2nd year. But I'll try to squizeeeee out time de before the holiday die away :-)

隔壁的邻居家最近躲了一只泰国种的变色龙,老妈说是另外一个邻居从泰国带过来却不小心让它逃走的。它的名字很帅,叫“我忘了-等我记得的时候才讲”。 它叫的声音更帅:先是“meh meh meh meh”羊叫声然后打喷嚏“a~kuiq a~kuiq a~kuiq"。弄到老爸每次都要跟它一起叫。它已经躲了几个星期了,却还是不停地叫啊叫。老爸很可怜它会叫到没力,又没东西吃又孤独。也对啦,它的种族在我们这一带本来就很少,要找听得懂它们泰国话的变色龙更渺茫。问题是我们看不到它,只有声音.


Thanks to many. In this case, especially 3rd sis. I was a total fresh man to IT that is totally 'immune' to any IT basic commons. Thanks for giving me a chance to learn. And the learning is so much fun. Thanks for everything. Thank you!

Today is 4th sis' birthday. Another great sister. You never know how much you have done for me during this period when I'm away from home. Your presence in Sunway has pull home so much nearer to me. Thank you, for everything. And, HAPPY BIRTHDAY !


My mum has only 2 kids. But I have tons of great sisters. I love them.


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