Monday, July 11, 2011

I love One Piece

Yo-hohoho, Yohohohoo,

Gather up all the crew! Time to ship out Bink's brew!
Sea wind blows to where,Who knows?
The waves will be our guide!
O'er across the ocean's tide, The sunset is goin' wild,
See the sky! The birds singing in circles passing by!

Bid farewell to weaver's town! Say so long to port renowned!
Sing a song, it won't be long, before we're casting off!
Cross the gold and silver waves,Changin' into water sprays!
Sailing out on our journey,To the ends of the sea!

Gather up all the crew! Time to ship out Bink's brew!
Pirates we, we'll divide and conquer all the seas!
With the waves to rest our heads, The ship beneath us as our bed!
Hoisted high up on the mast our jolly roger flies!

Somewhere in the endless sky, A storm has started comin' by!
Waves are dancing, having fun, Time to sound the drums!
If we let blow winds of fear, then the end of us is near!
Even so, tomor-row the sun will rise again!

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho,

Gather up all the crew! Time to ship out Bink's brew!
Could be today, could be tomorrow,Twilight dreaming.
No longer now can we see, shadow hands still waving free
Why worry, there's sure to be a moonlit night again!

Gather up all the crew! Time to ship out Bink's brew!
Sing a song, a lively song, For all the oceans wide!
After all is said and done, We all end up skeletons!
Endless, aimless, the story on the uproarious seas!

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho…………
-Bink's Sake (ONE PIECE soundtract)

每一个看得到的岛屿, 对他来说都是蕴藏了无数精彩的冒险.
一件或许很平凡的东西, 在他眼里都是很厉害很有趣.
同样是一条命的生活, 我要过的和他一样精彩!
昨天失去的东西不能复原, 那就算算我还剩下什么.
撇下那些拾不起来的泪水, 重新出发.
而这次, 挂着梦想的海贼旗帜, 拉起船帆,迎着海风,缓缓启航……

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