Friday, April 30, 2010


或许不能赴 六月五日的约定,心中那种矛盾 痛苦得让我无法言语。
-->在雨中狂哭,直到分不清脸上是泪还是雨<---很经典的面包爱情剧 =.=



-->九月的风在吹 哪会寒到心肝底
希望变无望 决定我的一世人
I LOVE YOU 无望 你甘是这款人
没法度来作阵 也没法度将我放
I LOVE YOU 无望 我就是这款人
我身边没半项 只有对你的思念
陪伴我的每一天 <------I love u 无望

DNA变形金刚 无限放大

看着阿信 肥肥的脸,心还是会难过。唉

smile every morning =)

Haven't update my blog for sometimes.
Few silly thinking of me makes me sick these days. I have been so upset till I idiot-ly deactivate my facebook.
ANNOUNCEMENT here, Zixin Lim Facebook account has been deactivated temporary. Sorry for any inconvenience that it may cause-->though i can't see any<--

Thank you Stefanie.
thousands thousands of thanks, seriously.
Thank you for being there when i need u.

Thank you Looi.
really thank you for the motivation =)

i like these ppl. ppl that will be always concern bout u.ppl that will sense yr unhappiness even if u didn't say it out.ppl who try their best show their care for u.
i feel sorry for those who don't know how to care for others.i will try my best to care bout them, don't worry.

like Looi's latest post:SMILE;DON'T FORGET TO SMILE =)
people should SMILE more. Smile, every morning and have a great start for the whole day =)

Now i m in my uncle's house with my lovely aunt(uncle's wife), cousin-->ziying n zijun. just notice how much i love them. love their smile.

my uncle is not back yet. so late liao. i shall greet him later =)

don't jealous. ^^

btw, don't miss me, my lovely L in Casa Subang A-03-05 room3 =)

Sunday, April 25, 2010


捐了rm12给TGV Cinema, 又看了一回初恋红豆冰
第二次看,不同的是身边的同伴。好久没有和老友鬼鬼 混了。
先在McD买一包薯条霸位,坐了两个小时;两只超级水龙头劈哩啪啦,花花流水喷到满桌都是口水渣;其中一只 更是 像憋尿憋太久,水坝崩塌,洪水一发不可收拾;第三只水龙头 偶尔也开开 喉,一滴两滴地加入战争。


朋友,在我生命里,能够说这句话的人 有限。
你是其中一个 =D

是时候 接受 投诉 了。

给chai, zoey, 既然不想听到那些所谓 脏话
让我现在妈个够,问候人家祖宗十八代他奶奶的kanasai,让我一次你他妈个够,jiasai地 发泄;
然后, 我会watch my mouth;
不要和我说thank you;



apa gila? saya begitu besar ,u tak nampak meh?!
这一句真的很经典 =D

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Homo Sapiens are born to be selfish.
It's the level of how differ a homo sapien loves itself compared to others, that determine how the homo sapien treat other homo sapiens.

A & B are close friends. 1 day, A has a problem. Firstly, she refers it to C-->another not-so-close-friend<--. Without hessistate, 'no problem,' C says. Then, A asks B to do her the favor because it would be better if B can help her. B who is able to help, however nicely says: u ask C to help u la. Another D is at that particular scene, knowing A's trouble, kindly offer A her help.

Type B: ppl who are not willing to help when one asks.
Type C: ppl who will like to help if one asks them to.
Type D: ppl who offer their help even if one doesn't ask them to.

Sometimes, the level of selfishness varies according to the level of relationship between one who help and one is helped.
--->some help another only if those are his/her close friends/family members.
But sometimes, selfishness level is zero influenced by this relationship.
--->some help another even they are totally strangers to each others.
--->some refuse to help another even if they are very close to each other.

Sometimes, the level of selfishness varies according to current conditions.
--->some refuse to help another because the condition is hard for them to do so.
But sometimes, selfishness level is not affected at all by situations.
--->some offer their help even if they sacrifices are needed.
--->some refuse to help even they would lose nothing if they help.

Dear homo sapiens, this is a lame but common example that happens very frequently in our daily lives.
Love others, be a selfishless homo sapien.
At least, be selfishless to your family and friends.

shopping ~

Went to Sungai Wang + Lau Yat today.
Starting from 1pm, we were back in hostel at 10pm++ just now..walau, the legs nearly --break down--
Worse, the wallet vomited almost all of its content, it is so thin now ='(

But, 5 clothes + 1 pair shoes + hair clips + socks + tube + etc
make me feel very happy.
something is wrong with me, never ever try to spend so much in 1 day.
anyway, it was very --self-satisfied-- for doing so.

I m happy =)

Friday, April 23, 2010

这个夜 很安静;偶尔传来 杀猪似的嚎叫声--->都是那些欠宰的疯狗<---,让人不禁 联想到一些画面: 风萧萧兮~

现在夹 在 两个大包-->ok,中等包<---中间的心 不按规律地狂跳;想要挑开 千丝万缕的烦躁,却又只能无奈地 胡乱发泄 它的 愤怒:没用的心脏。

想知道 讨厌的教授 脸上 到底长了多少 老人斑;
想再见到 刚刚遇到 的 帅哥;
转身看看 身边那美丽 少女 迷人 的睡姿;
心想楼上 那根 闷菜 有没有扑上 她可怜室友的床;
想想 远方的好朋友 有没有梦到可爱的我;
再想想 家里 两个可爱 的 老宝 有没有想我;

会不会明天 睡醒后,一切回归 正常。
再这么 折腾下去,不出几日 我会 玩完。

让我 彻彻底底 沦陷 一回。
明天,我 会归位。

就让不安分的 思绪继续 飘飘浮浮,沉沦在 五月天温柔的摇滚里。


A friend doesn't need to be very good in showing his/her concern.
A little care from his/her will be good enough to lift one up.
A friend is not just a word.
TQ =)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just for once

Date: 20 April 2010
Day: yesterday
Weather: Rainy

It was a bad day.
Early in the morning, the lecturer that i dislike the most----> Ms N<----- gave our test paper back. And for the 1st time, i get such a low mark for my Chem. Frankly tell, my paper is just a little bit more than 50%.

I never get such low mark. not even in ENglish<------the subject i struggled the most.
And i had my anger onto my lovely lecturer--->Ms N.
For many reasons, i blamed the old lady.
When i finally find myself back, i had already back-stabbed her x100000000000 times.
And m i regret for doing so?
But i will not do it again.
What is done is done. even if i stab her<----back-stab<---- for thousandssss time, i will not get any better-nice-looking mark for the Chem.

But i was sad.
I need to talk. To..?
parents? no, they are so far away; they can do nothing besides worry.
brother? no, he is so busy with his honour assignments.
cousins? what can they do even if they know?

=) Friends

I have friends, nice friends here in subang as well as in sp<---though some of them are currently out station<---
Some shared my secrets.
Some shared my opinions, thoughts.
Together we go through many things and i love their accompany.

I was down.
Because of the result + some other un-named-able reasons.
I hope someone will know that i was sad, but i didn't want to tell---->very stupid and idiot thing, i know.

Just for once, i hope someone's there for me to talk with.
To tell me: its ok---nevermind---u can do better next time---so n so
Just for once, i m hoping for ppl's attention.

I don't know whether they sense/notice my foolish+selfish+moron-ish thought.

Till the last second i climb on my lovely bed, i was waiting.
waiiting for the --someone--.
I shut my eyes, at 10pm<---opps,yesterday i slept a bit late, its 10.30pm++

Then, i told myself, ok, no use crying now. no use.
Go sleep.

Just for ONCE, i will ever tell this thing out.
It is so--not--me.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


平白砍了 二姐 三张戏票--->老爸,老妈和本小姐我<---
爸妈还是给我死缠烂打 一路拖着到戏院。。
在此 谢过二姐 =)

话说我看了 牛哥 的处女作---->导演兼男主角<---

牛哥 和 洁姐 的 初恋花开在 十几岁 的 青少年时期。
一同长大的 还有 那群 吵吵闹闹 蹦蹦乱跳 的 死党。

炸鸡暗恋恐龙妹 ;恐龙妹暗恋白马王子 ;白马王子暗恋马丽冰 ; 马丽冰暗恋botak ;botak又暗恋打架鱼---->有够错中又复杂的<----当然,偶尔会打架会骂人,但是像牛哥讲的: 小孩子就是酱,今天不跟你好;明天又跟你好了。

其实整部戏 给我 最深 的 感触 不是 青涩的 初恋; 反而 是 那 成长 的 无奈和残酷。

想想一年前,我还不是那样 为 离开 那群 伙伴 食欲不振了几个星期。 一起走过了 人生最青春 的岁月,那段 回忆 是 海枯石烂 也 抹不掉的。

现实就是酱,该来的 怎样挡也挡不住 ;要走的 留死也留不下。

时间到了,铛 一声;
该往北的 上槟城桥; 该往南的 上南北大道; 出国的上飞机;还有一些是留下来 继续 中六的。 大家 四面八方 地 散了 去。
何日再相聚乎~ 真像阿信的 词:青春是手牵手坐上了 都不回头的火车

最近学会了:珍惜 生命中 仅仅一次 每一幕
所以就算 分开了, 回忆 还是 永远 保存 在 那一刻。

“青春是手牵手坐上了 都不回头的火车
总有一天我们都老了 不会遗憾就OK了 ” 笑忘歌--->五月天

最后,还是忍不住 听了 一回 五月天*后青春期的诗

Saturday, April 17, 2010


爸爸最爱说我 “ 又挖粪涂墙--->发奋图强<--- 啦。。” 然后,就在那边奸笑 >:)

人家说什么:不见棺材不掉泪; 用在我身上, 贴切 (好像很光荣酱 -___- )

一个星期的假期 就这样 流逝了, 没了。
混混屯屯的,美好光阴就在我眼皮底下 玩 完了。

不出--->我那聪明精灵的 老爸和老妈<----所料,那袋从大老远车运回来的 功课 原封不动 地躺在书桌上晒太阳--->别问我阳光从哪来,我家屋顶没漏洞<---

直到昨天早上 买了 那张 欠人扁 的 巴士票, 才恍然 发现 我的 时日不多

可本小姐现在很想念 那张 可爱 的小床;

English presentation...Moral studies assignment II....math & chem test....

在 一个 我很喜欢 的 部落格 中 学了一句 很有意思 的话:


---->即使没有澎湃和温柔,我还是要全身全神全心全意 去珍惜一生中仅仅只有一次的每一幕 。



好了,我要去好好珍惜 和我可爱小床一起 ,所剩无几的 时光 了。


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010


好不容易熬到了 假期。
脑袋里 暂时装不下 任何课业上的data.
满满的心都是 些莫名的感动。。老觉得自己感动腺太低,泪腺也是一触即发,害得身体老是不停地脱水。。

冥冥之中,那份 缘 紧紧的牵着。
不管那是 爱情 或 友情,两个人 就 那么神奇地被牵着

人嘛 就是那么 一种 奇怪的动物。

情侣间 就 爱情
兄弟姐妹间 手足情
亲人间 亲情

千丝万缕, 不动则以,一动牵 百丝 (原谅我的烂文法)

种种 样样 互相 牵动 依赖
我已经放弃 去 思考 千寻和白龙 之间到底是什么关系
只是 单纯 地 喜欢 那个 女孩 和 男孩
喜欢 那部 作品喜欢 宫崎骏 的 世界

生日快乐,婆婆 =)

作詞:姚謙 作曲:伍 思凱 編曲:伍思凱

時間已做了選擇 什麼人叫做朋友偶而碰頭 心情卻能一點就通

因為我們曾有過 理想類似的生活
太 多感受 絕非三言兩語能形容
可能有時我們顧慮太多 太多決定需要我們去選擇
擔心會犯錯 難免會受挫 幸好一路上有你陪 我
與你分享的快樂 勝過獨自擁有 至今我仍深深感動
好友如同一扇窗 能讓視野不同
與你分享的快樂 勝過獨自擁有 至今我 仍深深感動
好友如同一扇門 讓世界(變)開闊
分享过我的快乐 ;
是比朋友更需要被珍惜的 亲人。生日快乐,婆婆。

Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Template

Nah ~
the new template =)
simple and nice =)
and the woman(in the picture -__-) is pretty too =)

++ the wording is big n clear, so that my dad can read it without squeezing his eyes.
besides, i don't want u guys having shrunken eyes after reading the posts.
see, how thoughtful i m ---> n how boastful i m =)


最近功课,projects多到可以压死人。。其实是全部都是到deadline了还生不出来,所以赶功课赶到没天没夜 ==!
加上大tests 小quizs接着来,简直就是一个头两个大。

数学老师Ms Phang一直在叫:zixin..are u with us? u look like a zombie...
老师pls,我这么像活死人嗎?就算是也是preety zombie一个,ok... -_____-V


皮肤的新陈代谢system受影响,那张脸不停的破皮。让我想到‘画皮’,会不会等我落完皮,身体里面就跑出一个妖怪来呵?不怕排除有这种可能性 >:)

身体的食欲‘蒸蒸日上’,每天两三包两三包的快熟面往肚子里塞。快速面有它的好处,其一: 快。其二:便宜。要吃多少就多少。。可是呢,看到镜子里的那个人,怎么总觉得越来越像一团‘面’ 呵?
糟糕,难道还真的印证english lecturer,MRs(她很介意这个addressing)Diana讲的:
u eat more maggie....u'll become more n more maggie ==!
#Mrs D : "u like to drink soya? u think soya's good ar? u think your skin will be smooth, your face will be fair..em? girls, becareful yea, if u drink too much of soya, your ovaries(卵巢) will shrink!
(OMGoodness,我的最高记录是一个星期八盒1 L 庄的soya...我还不想这么快就有shrunken ovaries...)
don't laugh, its true u know...hey guys, don't laugh. who knows when guys drink too much of soya, the testes SWELL ! (x_x!!!!) just kidding la....."#

不是爱上咖啡的味道,是爱上了咖啡能让人提神的功能。。两天内喝了五杯nescafe, 身体里面不知道累积了多少可卡因。。就是这个牌子的soya..还有这个口味的nescafe:

那个身材还是酱 ‘福’

所以說: 人家讲压力大,身形会憔悴,那是骗人 的

没关系,习惯就好 =)