Monday, March 7, 2011

Giddens & 127 hr

I have to admit I fell in love with this writter: Giddens.
It was long time ago since I last read his book,
but now again, I just can't stop myself reading his words and thoughts.
The previous blog site
The latest blog site

Just bought it, and there's a lot more to go.

Worth watching.

And soon after that, straight away I heard someone saying:

You're not the pity-est person,
stop complaining and start working !


  1. 哇唠!!有没有这么巧!?我也是在读着他的杀手系列,还剩下最后一本。最近开始重拾他的书,虽然有一阵时间不太喜欢他的书。去看欧阳盆栽的故事,很好看

  2. 会不会是你copycat我...?
    比较喜欢他文情小说系列的,像是《等一个人 咖啡》之类的。之前之前看过他一本《楼下的房客》,对一个十多岁的小(强调:小)女孩简直是有够tmd变态,过了好久都不看他的书。虽然现在慢慢喜欢上他的文字,对‘杀手’两个字还是有点避忌。慢点吧,再去逛逛。
