Saturday, April 24, 2010


Homo Sapiens are born to be selfish.
It's the level of how differ a homo sapien loves itself compared to others, that determine how the homo sapien treat other homo sapiens.

A & B are close friends. 1 day, A has a problem. Firstly, she refers it to C-->another not-so-close-friend<--. Without hessistate, 'no problem,' C says. Then, A asks B to do her the favor because it would be better if B can help her. B who is able to help, however nicely says: u ask C to help u la. Another D is at that particular scene, knowing A's trouble, kindly offer A her help.

Type B: ppl who are not willing to help when one asks.
Type C: ppl who will like to help if one asks them to.
Type D: ppl who offer their help even if one doesn't ask them to.

Sometimes, the level of selfishness varies according to the level of relationship between one who help and one is helped.
--->some help another only if those are his/her close friends/family members.
But sometimes, selfishness level is zero influenced by this relationship.
--->some help another even they are totally strangers to each others.
--->some refuse to help another even if they are very close to each other.

Sometimes, the level of selfishness varies according to current conditions.
--->some refuse to help another because the condition is hard for them to do so.
But sometimes, selfishness level is not affected at all by situations.
--->some offer their help even if they sacrifices are needed.
--->some refuse to help even they would lose nothing if they help.

Dear homo sapiens, this is a lame but common example that happens very frequently in our daily lives.
Love others, be a selfishless homo sapien.
At least, be selfishless to your family and friends.

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