Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bloctopus Paul !

My Monash started off with the MONopoly . The BLOCKTOPUS wohooOoo ~

Had a really great day at my new Uni today.
We had a game called MONopoly (yeeeap, the property-buying-and-selling game in a bigger motion).
We were the purple team with the lucky star BLOCKTOPUS (called it Paul, It liked it.)
Many many thanks to everyone I met. Together we rolled through all the way and made it to the 3rd price :)
see us? challeging with the tennis balls. see our faces? we were havin' fun :)

Before I forget, let me note down :)

Xun Li,the thin and long guy in purple with tag. Our BEst Buddy ever(awarded)
Amil, the big guy in blue. buisiness guy. His great idea on making money: 'Keep cash.don't buy property.' -______-!
Lutfi, the cute guy in black Monash shirt. our 2nd buddy @ always the 1 carry Paul all around.
See lip, the specky guy in the middle of the orange stuff. know him since MUFY.Dixon, the guy wearing stripes beside me. the 1 with the loudest voice in the team.
Syah & syazana. the only 2 girls in the team beside me. Syah happened to be my cousin's ex-roomate. and she called me up. surprised *-*
Joseph, the nest guy in purple, just next to see lip. IT guy.
Tsoloman(i think so), the African friend in red. together with Joseph, they make money from property investment. great job !

Cnt really remember others' names d.. but believe me, they are active+funny :)

*just an extra: see the red-shirt-with white hat-guy? guess what, he came from South Africa. he was just so super-athelete-style (ppl is -ex-badminton player leh ^^).
I paired with him in a game that we held hands, with my back facing his back and carried a balloon in the middle of our backs...OMG..he is so damn tall that i not even reach his shoulder -_____-!
He taught me to say 'I LOVE U' in his language. forgive me, i am not a good learner..

Conclusion for today:

Lucky colour of the day: Purple
Lucky animal of the day: Octupus
Lucky number of the day: 3

Ohya, our team cheer:
Don't mess with Purple, cuz Purple'll roll !
*cheers :)

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