Saturday, May 1, 2010

Went to a morning Market =)

Went to morning market with aunt just now..
It took only bout 6 minutes to reach.
Could actually see those colour-colourful payung besar-s from far far away.

Lots of things there. vege---->suddenly i thought of my lovely CHAI^^<-----,shoes, fruits..
food: chi cheong fan<---which i had for my breakfast<---,nasi lemak, chai kuih (again, CHAI^^), apom balik..n many,u name it.
clothes: 5$ T-shirt,shorts,tights, bra, under panties with cute cute lase..
chicken--->daed chicken without feathers,naked =P<----, grilled pork & dack, oh, there is a BLACK CHICKEN i saw, quite interesting. it's raw, n my aunt said it is used to cook with herbs.good for health..emm, lets see here:


it's say that the eggs of these Black Chicken is light green in colour, n is more nutricious than the normal eggs..nice isn't it =)

材料 :乌骨鸡一只,鲜人叁,当归,红枣,枸杞,黄芪,五加皮,蒜,松籽,糯米(洗净用清水泡两小时)。
  做法 :鸡打理干净,糯米加松籽/枸杞/红枣/蒜拌均后塞进鸡腹腔里,用牙签密封尾部。五饭碗水烧开,加入所有药材熬煮30分钟至香味溢出。将鸡置入炖盅,注入药材和汤,入锅隔水以大火蒸30分钟后转小火继续蒸90分钟,加押调味即可。

黑鸡据《本草纲目》等中医书上记载,乌鸡性平、味甘、无毒,具有补黑鸡肝肾、养育气血、退虚热、调月经、止白带等功效。黑鸡对心血管、肠胃病、高血压、糖尿病、失眠有明显改善作用,并有降低血压,延年益寿等功效。孕妇食用有益婴儿健康发育,儿童食用能促进生生、增强记忆力、提高智商。 looks delicious..but it looks a bit cruel to eat those ChickEns..but what to do.. i m an omnivorous animal. not vege..

ok, enough of ChickEn.
Back to topic.

after buying those we need. we went home-->my uncle's house<--.
--The End--

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